  1. System of rice intensification.

  2. Uses of rice by-product.

  3. Potato cultivation in NEH Region.

  1. Khasi mandarin cultivation.

  2. Post harvest handling and management of flowers.

  3. Nursery raising of vegetable crops.

  4. Protected cultivation of vegetables/flowers.

  5. Value addition of fruits and vegetables.

Plant protection
  1. IPM on ginger.

  2. Cultivation of oyster mushroom.

  3. Integrated Pest Management in rice.

  4. Demonstration for cultivation of oyster mushroom.

Animal Science
  1. Backyard poultry.

  2. Piggery farming.

  3. Scientific goat farming.

Fishery science
  1. Composite fish culture.

  2. Integrated fish farming.

  3. Site selection, layout and construction of ponds for hill Aquaculture.

Agricultural Extension
  1. Self help group.

  2. Farm management.

  3. Entrepreneurship in Agriculture.